Alive or Dead we belong to the LORD (Rm 14:8)
Handmaids of Grace, Witnesses of Divine Love.

Evangelization & Preaching:
Evangelization & Preaching
- Mission to Proclaim the Gospel:
The Daughters of Divine Grace are driven by a deep passion to make Christ known and loved. Through their apostolic mission, they seek to awaken faith, love, bring hope, and inspire conversion in the hearts of all people. - Key Ministries:
- Organizing in the premise of their monastery, spiritual retreats for individuals, families, and youths to encounter Christ and deepen their faith. Sharing the Word of God with clarity, truth, love, and conviction without compromising.
- Ministries to Renew the lives of consecrated and helping them in deepening their vocations.
- Praying for priests and the Church through their penitential life.
- Ministries of Healing, Spiritual Counseling, Preparation for sacraments to help individuals to reconcile with the Lord.
- If needed, going to parishes and communities to share the message of the Gospel through talks, catechesis, and prayer services.
- Collaborating with priests, congregations and lay leaders to foster a deepened life of faith.
- If needed, with the permission of Superiors, using modern communication methods, including online platforms, to reach a broader audience.
- Through Spiritual writings, iconography, and other spiritual publications they share the life of Word of God.
Reaching the Spiritually Lost:
- The nuns prioritize outreach to those who feel far from God or have grown lukewarm in their faith. They provide guidance, encouragement, and spiritual direction to help individuals rediscover the joy of living in Christ.
- Quote for Reflection:
“Go into all the world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation.” (Mark 16:15)

Rooted in Christ’s Love:
- Every act of service is a reflection of Christ’s compassion for the poor and marginalized. The nuns seek to restore dignity, bring hope, and remind those they serve of their infinite worth in God’s eyes.
- Quote for Reflection:
“Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and nuns of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:40)
Healing & Deliverance Ministries
- Healing Charisms:
The monastery is blessed with charisms of healing and deliverance, which are exercised through prayer and the sacraments. These gifts, entrusted to them by the Holy Spirit, bring restoration and freedom to those burdened by physical ailments, emotional wounds, and spiritual oppression. - Key Components of the Ministry:
- Healing through Prayer:
- Organizing healing services during retreats and missions, where participants receive prayer for physical and spiritual healing.
- Encouraging faith and trust in the power of God’s love to heal and restore.
- Deliverance from Bondage:
- Assisting individuals who suffer from spiritual afflictions through intercessory prayer, sacramental confession, and spiritual counseling.
- Working closely with priests trained in deliverance ministry to provide holistic care.
- Sacramental Grace:
- Emphasizing the importance of the sacraments, particularly the Eucharist and Reconciliation, as sources of healing and strength.
- Quote for Reflection:
“He sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal.” (Luke 9:2)
- Healing through Prayer:

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