Alive or Dead we belong to the LORD (Rm 14:8)
Handmaids of Grace, Witnesses of Divine Love.

A Journey of Faith and Commitment:
The formation journey of the Daughters of Divine Grace is a sacred path that transforms aspirants into consecrated religious nuns. It is a time of deep discernment, spiritual growth, and immersion into the life and mission of the monastery.
Stages of Formation:
- Pre-Novitiate:
- The initial stage where aspirants are introduced to the monastery’s charism, spirituality, and community life.
- They learn to embrace prayer, simplicity, and service while discerning their vocation.
- They learn the theological basics (Diploma in Theology) needed for the Christian life.
- Duration: Typically one or two years.
- Novitiate:
- A more profound period of spiritual formation where novices fully immerse themselves in the monastic life.
- They receive intensive training in DDG charism, monastic life, Sacred Scripture, liturgy, and the evangelical counsels.
- Deepening of their vocation, a conviction of being chosen by God.
- It is a period for “Transformation to Christ”.
- This stage marks a deeper personal commitment to Jesus Christ.
- Duration: One year.
- Simple Vows:
- After completing the novitiate, the nuns profess simple vows of obedience, chastity, poverty, and proclamation of Word of God.
- They live these vows in the community while continuing their spiritual and apostolic formation.
- Duration: 3-6 years, renewed at times.
- Monastic Consecration (Solemn vows):
- The culmination of the formation journey, where the nuns make their perpetual vows, consecrating their lives entirely to God.
- It is a joyous celebration, affirming their total surrender to Christ and their lifelongcommitment to their Divine Spouse.

Charism and Vows:
- Our life is guided by the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience. These vows reflect our total consecration to God and our commitment to live as witnesses of His Word until our last breath.
- Poverty: Embracing simplicity and detachment from material possessions to rely fully on God’s providence and being content.
- Chastity: Offering our hearts entirely to Christ, loving Him above all and serving others with purity of heart.
- Obedience: Surrendering our will to God’s will communicated directly or through the human mediums or life situations, guided by the filial trust in God.
- Proclamation of the Word of God: A deepenedcommitment to preach and live the Word of God as a testimony to His transformative love.
Focus of the Formation Program:
- Primarily to become saints!
- Integral Growth: Physical, mental, emotional and spiritual integration is a needed requirement for a monastic life and this is aimed through the religious formation.
- Community Life: Learning to live in harmony with others, sharing joys, struggles, and the mission of the monastery.
- Missionary Training: Preparing to serve, preach the Word of God, and bring Christ’s love to the whole world.

Vows of Consecration
The Evangelical Counsels:
- Poverty:
- Living a life of simplicity and detachment, trusting entirely in God’s providence in gratitude.
- Sharing resources in the community and using them solely for the glory of God and the good of others.
- Chastity:
- Offering their hearts completely to Christ, living a life of purity in thought, word, and deed.
- Embracing spiritual motherhood, reflecting God’s unconditional love for all His children.
- Obedience:
- Submitting joyfully to God’s will as revealed through the Church, the Scriptures, and their superiors and Typicon.
- Seeing obedience as an act of love and trust in God’s plan.
- “Only a humble heart can obey” – says their Founder Father
- Proclamation the Word of God:
- A deepened commitment specific to the monastery, committing to preach and radically live the Gospel.
- Proclaiming the truth of Christ in every aspect of their lives, even unto death.
- “Preach what you live, live what you preach”- their Founding Father reminds them.
- Reflection on Total Consecration:
- Total consecration is an act of love and surrender, echoing Mary’s “Fiat”at the Annunciation.
- By taking these vows, the nuns become living signs of God’s kingdom, pointing others to the eternal joy found in Him alone.
- They embrace the cross of Christ, knowing it leads to resurrection and glory.
- Poverty:
Reflection on Total Consecration:
- Total consecration is an act of love and surrender, echoing Mary’s “Fiat”at the Annunciation.
- By taking these vows, the nuns become living signs of God’s kingdom, pointing others to the eternal joy found in Him alone.
- They embrace the cross of Christ, knowing it leads to resurrection and glory.

Meet Our Novices
Introduction to the First Novices:
The Daughters of Divine Grace began their journey with seven courageous women who answered God’s call to religious life. These novices are the foundation of the monastery’s future, bringing unique gifts and experiences to their vocation.
- Profiles of Novices:
- Ruby James Peechathil: “To suffer with the suffering Christ and to be one with Him is my joy.”
- Nivya Jose Punnolikunnel: “My beloved is mine and I am His” Songs 2: 16
- Maria Babu Perumparayil: “Lord has made me His own. He is my greatest treasure in this world, and everything else is just vain.”
- Anna Jobie Eapen Goldhill: “Oh taste and see that the Lord is good” Ps 34:8
- Roshin Maria Peter Vellamathara: Jesus answered him, ‘Those who love me will keep my word, and my Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. Jn 14:23 “I belong to the Most Holy Trinity and in my heart burns His thirst for souls.”
- Anupama Jacob Katoor:“Here am I, the handmaid of the Lord; let it be with me according to your word.” Lk 1:38
- Mary Treesa Alappatt Palathinghal: “May your will be done in me perfectly and may I arrive at the place you have prepared for me.”
- Reflections on Their Journey:
Each novice shares a profound sense of gratitude and joy for being called to serve God. They view their formation as a time of grace and transformation, preparing them for the lifelong mission of proclaiming His love to the world.
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