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Discerning Your Vocation

Answering God’s Call:
The Join Us section is a welcoming space for those who feel a stirring in their hearts to explore a life consecrated to Christ. Discernment is a sacred process of listening to God’s voice and responding with trust and love.

• Introduction to Religious Life:
Religious life is a gift and a calling. It is a response to God’s love that leads individuals to dedicate their lives entirely to Him. For the DDG, this vocation means living a life of prayer, service, and community, while witnessing the Word of God to the world.


“What shall I return to the Lord for all His bounty to me?” (Ps 116:12)
This Scripture verse serves as an invitation to reflect on the immeasurable gifts of God and consider how one might offer their life as a thanksgiving to Him.

• Steps in Discernment:
1. Prayerful Listening: Spend time in silence and prayer, asking God to reveal His plan for your life.
2. Seeking Guidance: Talk to a spiritual director, a trusted priest, or a member of the monastery to gain clarity.
3. Exploring the Life: Visit the community, participate in retreats, and experience their way of life to discern if it aligns with your calling.
4. Surrendering in Faith: Trust in God’s plan and take the first step, knowing He will lead you.

• Encouragement from the nuns:
“Do not be afraid to follow Christ radically. He will fill your heart with peace and joy as you walk in His will.”

Key Questions and Answers:

Applicants are typically between 18 and 35 years of age. Exceptions may be considered for those with a mature vocation.

A deep love for Christ, a desire for prayer and community life, and an openness to God’s will.

Formation includes postulancy (1-2 years), novitiate (2 years), and temporary vows (3-6 years), culminating in perpetual profession.

Yes, the nuns encourage visits and participation in “Come and See” retreats to experience their way of life.

No prior education is required. Formation includes theological and spiritual training.

Discernment is a journey. The monastery will walk with you, providing guidance and support to help you understand God’s call.

Step into the flow of grace and receive the anointing upon you